When too many debts mount on your shoulders and your credit situation looks beyond repairs, you can consider using a professional service to materialise consolidation of your debts and take a step in the direction of credit improvement.
Debt consolidation loans can help build credit for those with bad credit score and too many red flags on their credit reports.
What is Debt consolidation?
As the name suggests, debt consolidation entails merging all loans into a single loan at a better price. It is a kind of loan refinancing wherein you involve all of your unsecured loans and as credit card bills into a single instalment loan. You can raise debt consolidation as a secured or unsecured loan.
How consolidating loans helps people with poor credit score?
With mounting monthly instalments exceeding your salary or total inflows, ease of cash is something a bad credit score holder aspires the most. By consolidating your high-cost credit card balances and repaying small loans, consolidating all the debts could instantly improve your credit score. With better credit management you could soon build good credit history and raise your credit worth.
How to consolidate your loans?
You can make a debt consolidation plan yourself and can avail loans for debt consolidation from a FCA registered loan broker in the UK.
To consolidate your debts first of all, make a comprehensive list of all the loans on your name. Be it a small loan, line of credit, card balances or an unsecured loan with monthly payment, total all the loans.
This will give you a ball park figure you need consolidation funds for. Next decision would be to figure out if you would go for a secured debt consolidation or an unsecured loan. If you could use home equity or your gold jewelry or a car to secure the loan, there are high chances for attracting a low cost loan.
Typically all debt consolidation plans work the same way. Your multiple monthly repayments would turn into a single repayment.
The repayment amount is lesser than the total repayments previously. Thus you save surplus every month. This gives you chance to prepay and improve your credit worth.
A well thought out debt consolidation plan can change the face of your credit profile. When you decide to use a brokering service you save a lot of hard work and time to find a reputed lender for the purpose. Whether you need to refinance, raise an unsecured loan or raise a personal loan using home equity.